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Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions were last updated: 2/28/2018

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Short Track Sales collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (each, a "User") of the http://www.shorttracksales.com website ("Site"). This privacy policy applies to the Site and all products and services offered by Short Track Sales. 


About Short Track Sales

Short Track Sales is owned and operated solely by April Symoens with the intent of providing updates and products related to dirt track racing utilizing 3D printing and outside services as well as other categories. The store may sell products from Shapeways, Inc and CafePress, Inc. but is not affiliated with either of these companies.


Using Short Track Sales

In connection with using or accessing the Services you will not:

  • breach or circumvent any laws, third-party rights or our systems, policies, or determinations of your account status;

  • use our Services if you are not able to form legally binding contracts (for example if you are under 18), or are temporarily or indefinitely suspended from using our sites, services, applications or tools; 

  • fail to pay for items purchased by you, unless you have a valid reason as set out in an Short Track Sales policy.;

  • manipulate the price of any item or interfere with any of the listings;

  • post false, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, or libelous content;

  • take any action that may undermine the feedback or ratings systems;

  • transfer your Short Track Sales account (including Feedback) and user ID to another party without our consent;

  • distribute or post spam, unsolicited or bulk electronic communications, chain letters, or pyramid schemes;

  • distribute viruses or any other technologies that may harm Short Track Sales, or the interests or property of users;

  • use any robot, spider, scraper, or other automated means to access our Services for any purpose;

  • bypass our robot exclusion headers, interfere with the working of our Services, or impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure;

  • export or re-export any Short Track Sales application or tool except in compliance with the export control laws of any relevant jurisdictions and in accordance with posted rules and restrictions;

  • reproduce, perform, display, distribute, reverse engineer, or prepare derivative works from content that belongs to or is licensed to Short Track Sales, or that comes from the Services and belongs to another Short Track Sales user or to a third party including works covered by any copyrights, trademark, patent, or other intellectual property right, except with prior express permission of Short Track Sales and/or any other party holding the right to license such use;

  • commercialize any Short Track Sales application or any information or software associated with such application; 

  • harvest or otherwise collect information about users without their consent; or

  • circumvent any technical measures we use to provide the Services.

If we believe you are abusing Short Track Sales in any way, we may, in our sole discretion and without limiting other remedies, limit, suspend, or terminate your user account(s) and access to our Services, delay or remove hosted content, remove any special status associated with your account(s), remove and demote product pages, reduce or eliminate any discounts, and take technical and/or legal steps to prevent you from using our Services.

We may cancel unconfirmed accounts or accounts that have been inactive for a long time or modify or discontinue our Services. Additionally, we reserve the right to refuse or terminate all or part of our Services to anyone for any reason at our discretion.

Personal identification information

We may collect personal identification information from Users in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, when Users visit our site, register on the siteplace an order and in connection with other activities, services, features or resources we make available on our Site. Users may be asked for, as appropriate, name, email address, mailing address, phone number, credit card information,

Users may, however, visit our Site anonymously.

We will collect personal identification information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us. Users can always refuse to supply personally identification information, except that it may prevent them from engaging in certain Site related activities. 

Non-personal identification information

We may collect non-personal identification information about Users whenever they interact with our Site. Non-personal identification information may include the browser name, the type of computer and technical information about Users means of connection to our Site, such as the operating system and the Internet service providers utilized and other similar information. 

Web browser cookies

Our Site may use "cookies" to enhance User experience. User's web browser places cookies on their hard drive for record-keeping purposes and sometimes to track information about them. User may choose to set their web browser to refuse cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If they do so, note that some parts of the Site may not function properly. 

How we use collected information

Short Track Sales collects and uses Users personal information for the following purposes:

To improve our Site
We continually strive to improve our website offerings based on the information and feedback we receive from you.

To process transactions
We may use the information Users provide about themselves when placing an order only to provide service to that order. We do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to provide the service.

To send periodic emails

The email address Users provide for order processing, will only be used to send them information and updates pertaining to their order. It may also be used to respond to their inquiries, and/or other requests or questions. If User decides to opt-in to our mailing list, they will receive emails that may include company news, updates, related product or service information, etc. If at any time the User would like to unsubscribe from receiving future emails, we include detailed unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each email or User may contact us via our Site. 

How we protect your information

We adopt appropriate data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information, username, password, transaction information and data stored on our Site.

Sensitive and private data exchange between the Site and its Users happens over a SSL secured communication channel and is encrypted and protected with digital signatures. 


Ads appearing on our site may be delivered to Users by advertising partners, who may set cookies. These cookies allow the ad server to recognize your computer each time they send you an online advertisement to compile non personal identification information about you or others who use your computer. This information allows ad networks to, among other things, deliver targeted advertisements that they believe will be of most interest to you. This privacy policy does not cover the use of cookies by any advertisers. 

Changes to this privacy policy

Short Track Sales has the discretion to update this privacy policy at any time. When we do, revise the updated date at the bottom of this page,. We encourage Users to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications.

Your acceptance of these terms
By using this Site, you signify your acceptance of this policy and terms of service. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our Site. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.