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As some of my close friends know, last year was a bit busy on the cancer front. I didn't get to do anything I wanted to with this site. As of right now, I am in the process of reworking the site to include 3D printed items that I can print from home, as well as possibly redesigning the 3D puzzles to use EVA foam as well has have actual rolling wheels. I have tried the foam in the past, but my current puzzle design did not support the material well. The foam is very sturdy and bendable, so I think it would be the best next step for the puzzles. Redesigning the puzzles means I would have to purchase new dies which is not super cheap, but we will get there.

I have also eliminated the vendor program for the time being. There was no interest in it really. If you want to sell stuff on this site with me, I think we can still work something out, but there isn't anything official anymore.

I will try my best to keep you all up to date as I move forward. 

Ta ta!


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